Watch: Toddler is ecstatic on seeing a dog for the first time in real life

This 14-month-old toddler has his first encounter with a dog, and his reaction is more than adorable.

Imagine being a toddler. Everything is new and exciting, from simple tasks like walking and talking to seeing the incredible world around you.

For most toddlers, meeting a puppy for the first time is an experience they’ll never forget, and this cute toddler will remember this for a long time.

In the video, the toddler dressed in trendy winter clothes and a beanie gets so excited on seeing a pooch for the first time that it starts clapping. The kid also breaks into a little dance and lies on the ground to come face to face with the doggo who also seems excited to meet him.

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The person recording the video explains that it is the first time that he has seen an actual dog to the dog owner.

“An appropriate response even if it’s the millionth dog you’ve encountered,” says the caption of the video. The video uploaded two days ago has got more than 1.4 million views so far.

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