Two abandoned dog sisters are saved by brave rescuers who fight a tornado

The rescue team was determined to locate the two frightened German shepherd sisters and would not rest until they did so.

This unit is known for rescuing abandoned animals in Fermanagh, Ireland, and they acted swiftly upon receiving the report about the dogs. Their three-day search led them through dense forests and expansive fields.

On the third day, however, the team began to fear that they might never locate the dogs. Mannion revealed that they were disheartened because they were unable to approach the dogs and rescue them.

After an exhaustive search, the sisters were discovered hiding in a nearby farmer’s shack. Despite lingering concerns for the sisters’ safety, the sight of the hounds brought Mannion a sense of overwhelming joy and excitement. However, the relief of discovering them in a safe location brought them to tears.

Upon their rescue, the two dogs were named Thora and Levina and immediately began rehabilitation. Little China Dog Rescue provided a rescue facility, and Lost Paws NI generously offered to cover their veterinary expenses.

The entire team was thrilled with the support they received from both groups, which greatly facilitated the process. Mannion expressed his joy by saying, “It relieved us of a great deal of stress, and we were able to simply enjoy our time with them.

It was close to ecstatic!” Thora and Levina gradually began to reveal their distinct personalities as time passed. After receiving proper care and attention, they shifted from being wary of humans to actively seeking affectionate hugs.

The dogs have been relocated to temporary housing and will remain there until a permanent home can be found for them. Even though the rescue team has no idea where the siblings came from, they are satisfied with the overall success of their mission.

Mannion expressed his satisfaction by stating, “This outcome could not have been better. The dogs are ecstatic and can feel the love that surrounds them.”
