The overweight dog got stuck in the racing circuit and was lucky to be rescued, winning over the hearts of the internet community

Animals are known to be inquisitive creatures and sometimes may get themselves into sticky situations due to their curiosity.

Chubby puppy rescued after it got stuck in sport rim, wins netizens' heart with its cuteness | weirdkayaCover image via TikTok/kerolttshop

For this adorably chubby puppy, it got itself in a real tight (no pun intended) situation after its head got stuck in a sport rim.

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Got its head stuck in sport rim

In a now-viral video posted by kerol505 on TikTok, a brown, chubby puppy is seen struggling to free its head from a car’s sport rim.

Chubby puppy stuck in car tyre rim wins netizens over with it's adorableness

In the background, a man could be heard saying, “Don’t you anything to do? You stuck your head in there and you can’t get it out. What should we do next?”

Towards the end of the video, the puppy was still trying unsuccessfully to free itself.

In a separate video, a man dressed in a blue shirt is seen freeing the puppy from the sport rim.

Chubby puppy stuck in car tyre rim wins netizens over with it's adorableness
Screengrab via TikTok/kerolttshop

As soon as the puppy was freed, it flopped its belly upwards and wagged its tail furiously, much to the delight of onlookers.

“Look at it’s face, it’s so adorable!” exclaimed the man who spoke in the previous video.
Chubby puppy stuck in car tyre rim wins netizens over with it's adorableness
Screengrab via TikTok/kerolttshop

In the next few videos which were posted by the same TikTok account, it focused primarily on how awestruck the TikTok owner was by the puppy’s cuteness.

He also mentioned that he would be bringing some food for the “fat boy” the next day.
