Rescue of a Puppy left behind and left to perish, discarded like useless goods

Ermioni, also known as Hermione, is dedicated to aiding stray animals in Central Greece, where the issue seems relentless.

Despite continuous efforts to neuter, the number of stray animals remains overwhelming. Ermioni and her team frequently encounter abandoned puppies, highlighting the urgency of their work.

The heartbreaking loss of two puppies to parvo deeply affected Ermioni and the team. The memory of these beautiful pups will forever stay with them. One particularly disturbing incident involved a black puppy named Dennis.

The person who abandoned him callously threw him into a dumpster without regard for his well-being. Dennis was left exposed to scorching temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius without shelter or water. The cruelty of this act shocked everyone involved, as the puppy faced imminent danger.

Despite the challenging circumstances, Dennis was rescued in the nick of time. He survived the harsh conditions and is currently under Ermioni’s care.

The team is actively seeking a loving adoption opportunity for Dennis, hoping to provide him with the safe and caring home he deserves.