Kitten Attacƙed By Raccoon Won’t Let His Disαbility Stop Him From Being Adorable

We all love stories of animal rescues. They tend to warm our heart and make us realize that there are still good people left in the world. The little cat in this story definitely did not have an easy start in life, but he is still kicking and making the most out of the days he almost didn’t have.

He may look a little different from most cats, but that’s what makes him so special. This little guy went through hell, but it now living the sweet life. Check out this cat that definitely reinforces the theory that they have 9 lives.

Kitten Attacked By Raccoon Won't Let His Disability Stop Him From Being Adorable

Meet Sir Stuffington. He may look a little strange, but he has a heart as big as any cat out there.

Sir Stuffington got to looking this way because he, his mother and brothers and sisters were attacked by a raccoon when they were very little.

Kitten Attacked By Raccoon Won't Let His Disability Stop Him From Being Adorable

His mother and two of his brothers unfortunately didn’t make it.

Kitten Attacked By Raccoon Won't Let His Disability Stop Him From Being Adorable

Sir Stuffington had to undergo surgery for some pretty serious wounds. He also had an incredibly bad flea infestation that had to be taken care of. Once that was done however, he was an instant hit with his new brothers and sisters at his foster mother’s home.

Kitten Attacked By Raccoon Won't Let His Disability Stop Him From Being Adorable

He’s definitely grown since then. His owner says he is a mischievous and fun loving boy.

Kitten Attacked By Raccoon Won't Let His Disability Stop Him From Being Adorable

He may have the look of a 15 year professional boxer, but he is a true sweetheart with everyone he meets.

Kitten Attacked By Raccoon Won't Let His Disability Stop Him From Being Adorable

When he was first brought to the vet, they weren’t sure whether he would even make it because his injuries were so serious.

Kitten Attacked By Raccoon Won't Let His Disability Stop Him From Being Adorable

Sir Stuffington enjoys taking naps just like every other cat I’ve ever met.

Kitten Attacked By Raccoon Won't Let His Disability Stop Him From Being Adorable

He even loves his Halloween costumes which are quite fitting!

Kitten Attacked By Raccoon Won't Let His Disability Stop Him From Being Adorable
tumblr / Source : Buzznicked

This little guy definitely beat the odds. He lost an eye in his encounter with the raccoon, but luckily he was able to make it through his surges and recovery. He seems to be perfectly content with his family, and they seem to absolutely adore him. I mean, with a face like that, how could you not?