It appears that “Dracula Parrots” exist, and they may be the spookiest bird around

When we imagine a parrot, we typically thing of bright greens, yellow’s  blues and having quite the personality. As it turns out there are over 393 species of parrots in the world and they differ considerably.

This parrot stands out among the majority of all the birds in the sky if you ask me. It’s called the Pesquet’s parrot but most people commonly refer to it as the Dracula parrot. After one look at this magnificent bird, it’s quite apparent why it was so aptly named. The Dracula parrot is stunning.

The Dracula parrot is a nickname for the Pesquet’s parrot found only in New Guinea.

Apparently, 'Dracula Parrots' Exist And They Might Just Be The Most Eerie Bird Out There
Mike Peel

They stand out from most parrots because of their black and gray chests, shiny black beaks and bright red stripes of feathers.

Apparently, 'Dracula Parrots' Exist And They Might Just Be The Most Eerie Bird Out There
Linda De Volder

They weight roughly 24-28 oz. and stretch nearly 20 inches in length.

Apparently, 'Dracula Parrots' Exist And They Might Just Be The Most Eerie Bird Out There

Females are typically slightly smaller than the males but just as vibrant.

Apparently, 'Dracula Parrots' Exist And They Might Just Be The Most Eerie Bird Out There

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The only other difference besides anatomy is that the males have a small red spot behind the ear.

Apparently, 'Dracula Parrots' Exist And They Might Just Be The Most Eerie Bird Out There

Most parrots enjoy climbing around branches using their large feet. Dracula parrots like to hop from branch to branch instead.

Apparently, 'Dracula Parrots' Exist And They Might Just Be The Most Eerie Bird Out There

They have featherless faces like a vulture. Only 3 species of parrots have featherless faces.

Apparently, 'Dracula Parrots' Exist And They Might Just Be The Most Eerie Bird Out There

It is exclusively found in New Guinea and it is unknown how many of them are in the wild.

Apparently, 'Dracula Parrots' Exist And They Might Just Be The Most Eerie Bird Out There

Sadly, because of their unique beauty, they have become a target for poachers.

Apparently, 'Dracula Parrots' Exist And They Might Just Be The Most Eerie Bird Out There

Along with deforestation, poaching and the loss of habitat, the Dracula parrots population is rapidly declining.

Apparently, 'Dracula Parrots' Exist And They Might Just Be The Most Eerie Bird Out There

The Dracula parrot is hunted for its feathers to be used in ceremonial dresses, for meat and for the caged pet bird trade. It’s striking appearance has also made it a target. These birds need to be protected before they become endangered.

Take a look at the video below of the Dracula parrot in a protected environment.