Introducing Bowie: The Chic Cat with Heart-Pumping Eyes

There’s no denying that all cats are pretty awesome, but sometimes there are those felines that have a way of captivating you like no other. When I first saw Bowie, my mind was blown by his sheer beauty. And I have a feeling you’ll feel the same way too! Allow me to introduce you to Bowie The Tuxedo Cat, a furry little friend with heterochromatic eyes that shine in a mesmerizing blue and gold hue. Trust me when I say, it’s a sight you won’t want to miss!

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat is a stunning sight to see with his long coat patterned in a tuxedo style and his supersized whiskers. It’s no wonder his current owners fell in love with him when they rescued him from PAWS – Progressive Animal Welfare Society in Washington state. Even without seeing his piercing eyes, they knew he was the one for them. Naming him after the legendary David Bowie was a perfect fit for his super cool eyes. Since then, Bowie has become a cherished member of their family. He’s a relaxed kitty who takes pleasure in life’s simple things, such as taking long walks to his food bowl.

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

Bowie, also known as Bow, is rapidly becoming a social media sensation on Instagram, and it’s not hard to understand why. He’s an absolute pleasure to admire! Moreover, he possesses an innate ability to model like a pro. Currently residing in Seattle, Washington, alongside his owners and feline buddy Olive, Bowie enjoys chilling out by cat napping when he’s not busy posing for the camera. Additionally, bird watching is yet another activity that he finds thrilling and engaging.

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat
Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

The sheer amount of “cattitude” showcased in this photo is unbelievable. It’s no secret that tuxedo cats are notorious for having an abundance of it!

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

The Instagram bio of this feline reads, “I’m sour at first, then I’m sweet ” – indicating that this cat has a lot of personality. Scarlett French, the owner of this amazing cat, answered a few questions I had for her about Bowie. She shared that she and her husband stumbled upon Bowie while walking by PAWS cat city late one evening. Even though the place was closed, they could see some cats through the window, and Bowie caught their attention with his cute and sweet demeanor. They called the next day to inquire about him, and they were informed that there was a hold on him until 5 pm that day. However, they decided to take a chance and visit him anyway.

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

We had the opportunity to interact with this adorable feline and admire his mesmerizing eyes up close. Initially, we hadn’t realized how distinct they were as we had met him during the night. However, we were instantly smitten! As luck would have it, we were allowed to bring him home that same evening. We named him Bowie as he, like David Bowie, has two different colored eyes. Adjusting to life with our other cat Olive took some time, but now they are inseparable and we are absolutely infatuated with our beloved Bow! Here’s a sweet photo of him when he was just a little kitten.

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

How would you describe his personality? Bowie is a super laid-back and relaxed cat who just exudes chill vibes. He’s an absolute sweetheart and always seems to be curious about the world around him. We often foster dogs and Bowie is always the first to greet them, rubbing up against their legs and investigating their presence with great interest. He craves human interaction and loves being in our company, although he’s not the biggest fan of cuddles, preferring instead to be close by.

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

Is there a unique trait that sets your furry companion apart? My cat, Bowie, is a quiet little guy who has never meowed. Can you believe it? He will occasionally chatter at birds but that’s about it. It’s quite amusing because my husband and I have had some very vocal cats in the past. Despite his lack of vocalization, Bowie has won our hearts with his odd eyes and sweet personality. I am grateful to have him as my feline friend and to share his beauty with the world through pictures.

Bowie the Tuxedo Cat

Are you a big fan of Bowie the Tuxedo Cat? Don’t miss out on following his Instagram account to enjoy more photos of this amazing feline. And if you have friends who would also appreciate his charm, don’t hesitate to share his account with them! I want to express my gratitude to Scarlett for giving me the opportunity to spread Bowie’s story and stunning pictures to cat enthusiasts everywhere.