Her story touches hearts by praising the bravery of a feline mother who risked her life to save her babies from a raging flame

As a parent, our children’s safety is paramount. We would go to great lengths to keep them safe, and even put ourselves in harm’s way. One feline mother exemplified this protective instinct when she rescued her kittens from a blazing building.

Firefighters were summoned to a garage in Brooklyn, where they discovered the brave cat carrying her young out of the inferno one by one.

This courageous feline did not hesitate to risk her life to save her little ones from a burning building. She fearlessly went in and out of the flames five times to ensure her babies were safe.

After finally getting them all to safety, she checked each of their noses to make sure they were still alive. The heroic cat was later named Scarlett but collapsed due to exhaustion after her extraordinary rescue. It was firefighter David Giannelli who witnessed this amazing act of bravery and shared the story on imgur.

The post stated that Scarlett had suffered extensive burns while rescuing her kittens from a fire. Her eyes were swollen shut, her paws and ears were badly burned, and her fur was severely singed.

She had lost most of her facial hair due to the flames. Despite her injuries, Scarlett made sure to touch each kitten with her nose to ensure they were safe and alive since she couldn’t see them clearly due to her blistered eyes. She then collapsed unconscious after completing her heroic act.

The fire in Brooklyn was successfully put out by firefighters, who also provided Scarlett and her kittens with the necessary medical care they needed. However, one of the kittens didn’t survive the ordeal.

The remaining kittens were given permanent homes. Scarlett’s story garnered global media coverage, and even inspired the creation of books such as “Scarlett Saves her Family” and “The Bravest Cat”.

Scarlett, a cat who was adopted by a loving family in Brooklyn, had a happy life for 12 years until she passed away in 2008. The North Shore Animal League, the organization that treated Scarlett and her kittens, created an award in her honor to recognize other courageous animals.

Let us commemorate this extraordinary feline and all the other magnificent creatures who put their lives on the line to rescue others.