Heartbroken dog gets a second chance! Adopted and transformed, his ‘ugly’ face now shines bright

According to statistics, nearly 1.5 million abandoned and mistreated dogs are killed every year. Beaux , a cute Labrador with a disfigured face, had to meet his awful fate until his current owner saw him and decided to give him a home and all the love he deserved.

We at Bright Side feel that Beaux’s tale is extremely lovely and motivating, which is why we decided to relay it to you today

After sharing his mother’s womb with six siblings, Beaux was born with a malformed cranium. Even though this disease never impaired his motor abilities, no one ever wanted to acquire this sad pup from his breeders. He was finally given away, but it didn’t necessarily improve his life for the better.

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

The people that adopted Beaux were careless towards him, and let him to live alone in the garden, attached to a chain. He never received any attention, and he was not even treated for fleas.

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

And finally, when his owners decided to move out, they had Beaux adopted after having maintained him that way for five years. That’s where Jamie met him.

According to Jamie, when she went to visit Beaux after coming across the online adoption posting, she was “horrified” by what she saw. He was exceedingly thin, he weighed just 19 kg and he was full with parasites.

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

Jamie fell in love with the puppy, and she got him treated quickly. Beaux was sick with the “heartworm”, but he was too thin to receive adequate treatment. Jamie then assisted him through it, taking the required time, and Beaux is now joyful than ever.

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

After being ignored for all these years, Beaux is finally getting the love and care he deserves. And like many people, he likes tacos ! He also has an older brother, Riley , who is 15 and gets on well with him. He spends his time playing with him, strolling with his human mom and snuggling.

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

And you, have you ever adopted a dog? What do you think about Beaux’s story? Leave your remarks and photographs in the comments, and share this post with the people around you!

So Beaux ended up living with a man who neglected him and left him outside, all alone, for 5 years

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

And all that was left of Beaux was a sad, disease and parasite-ridden bag of bones without a shred of hope left

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

And then his guardian angel, Jamie Hulit, arrived

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

“I didn’t care how badly he might be ill”

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

“I just didn’t want him to go into the foster system again and be returned”

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

“I wanted him to have stability and a place he knew was his home”

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

Beaux was given intensive treatment by Dr. Jay Rydberg, who turned the poor dog around

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

Helping him through a chronic case of heartworms which nearly cost him his life

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

Now he finds himself as part of a happy family, becoming a little brother to another Retreiver called Riley

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

They have bonded and become best friends

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

“Riley and Beaux absolutely love each other”

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

 “They’re perfect for each other even with the age difference” (Beaux is 6 and Riley 13)

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

“And even though Beaux acts like a puppy — it helps Riley stay young”

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

Despite a life of hardship, Beaux Tox exudes the joy and innocence of a young pup and couldn’t be happier in his new family

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable

“He’s so full of life, and he’s just brought so much to us.”

Heartbroken Dog Abandoned Because Of His ‘Ugly’ Face Gets Adopted, And The Difference It Makes Is Unbelievable