Cows Find A Baby Seal Alive In A Pasture Over 3 Miles Away From The Ocean

A baby seal had to be rescued from a field full of cows after getting stuck in a puddle.

Birdwatcher Ian Ellis spotted the cows inspecting the female pup in Frampton Marshes in Lincolnshire.

Skegness Natureland /

Ellis, 67, was out for a walk when he saw the cows behaving oddly, and it was only after looking through his telescope that he realised there was a baby seal in the middle of them, ITV News reported.

It is believed that the seal, whose mother couldn’t be found, had made its way out of a creek into the field, the East Lindsey Target reported.

Ellis contacted the RSPB Reserve and Skegness Natureland, which told him how to move the pup before staff came to collect her.

Skegness Natureland /

“Once we got the pup back to Natureland, she went straight into the Seal Hospital to begin treatment,” the Daily Mail reported director of Natureland Richard Yeadon as saying.

“Her main problem is that at only five days old she was orphaned and therefore had not fed for a while. She had lost quite a lot of weight and was dehydrated.”

“We gave her rehydration fluid through a stomach tube and are now giving her high-fat herrings which will help her gain back the weight,” he added.

Skegness Natureland /

The pup has now been named Celebration to mark the 50th anniversary of Skegness Natureland, the East Lindsey Target reported.

Article source: buzzfeed

Staff said they would release Celebration back into the wild once she is stronger and able to feed in water by herself.