A Small Kitten with Thumbs Finds Love and Protection with a Giant Canine Companion in an Unusual Pair

There was a tiny kitten that was in dire need of affection, so it was brought to an urgent animal clinic. A colleague decided to take the kitten in and bring it to his house where he met a large and fluffy gentle cat, whom he quickly adored. Introducing Skywalker!

In the month of May, Skywalker was given up to the animal hospital. At that time, the little guy weighed less than a pound and was approximately three weeks old.

Kim Downie’s husband, who is a hospital worker, brought a little kitten home. As soon as their Golden Retriever dog Mojito saw the kitten, he was attracted to it and showered it with affection. According to Kim, Mojito started kissing the kitten right away, but fortunately, the kitten didn’t seem to mind and was also enamored with Mojito and wanted to cuddle with him. This heartwarming scene was reported to Love Meow.

Mojito took on the responsibility of being a mother figure to Skywalker by keeping him company, tidying up after him, and snuggling with him. Skywalker’s debut appearance on Bird TV was an exciting milestone.

Mojito had already befriended a cat named Vader prior to their encounter. She used to trail him all around the house until Vader finally gave in and let her groom him. Now, Skywalker has taken over as Mojito’s favorite snuggle mate, and she couldn’t be happier.

Skywalker has a special bond with his Canine mother and doesn’t mind all the fuss around her. According to Kim, Skywalker sees Mojito as his mother sometimes, possibly due to her affectionate nature. Mojito is a therapy dog who enjoys visiting people’s homes, while Skywalker is known for his quirky personality. Love Meow was told about their adorable relationship.

Mojito is fiercely protective of her little furball and won’t let him out of her sight. She cradles him in her arms, keeping him close to her heart.

She takes care of him with the same tenderness and affection as a mother.

The Skywalker doesn’t take a nap by himself.

As Skywalker grew bigger, their bond grew stronger.
Wow, check out the size of that thumb!

One of the things they enjoy doing the most is sharing the experience of watching Bird TV.

Taking a nap is equivalent to an opportunity for snuggling.

Mojito is a loving dog that has a big heart for those in need. Whenever she spots a person or animal struggling, she instantly comes to their rescue by showering them with kisses and comforting cuddles. Meanwhile, Skywalker is one happy pooch that simply adores his furry mom and would do anything for her affection.

It’s been seven long months since these two buddies last laid eyes on each other. Their bond is unbreakable and they share a special connection.

When Skywalker was just three months old, something remarkable happened.

It’s the perfect moment to enjoy Skywalker and Mojito! “Certain things (aside from his size!) stay constant.” – as shared on lovemeow.com.