An image captures a man leaving a kitten in a box outside a pet store

At the crack of dawn, a Jeep arrived at a shopping mall in Mobile, Alabama. A chap emerged from the vehicle clutching a box of Pampers diapers. After strolling over to a pet store that was still hours away from opening, he gingerly placed the package by the entrance before briskly making his exit.

Later that day, Margie Morris exited the neighboring building that houses Project Purr Animal Rescue, a cat sanctuary and adoption center. She realized that she had forgotten her cup of coffee in her car and hurriedly scampered across the parking lot to retrieve it.

Morris, who heads Project Purr, shared that she initially dismissed the faint meowing sound she heard, thinking she made it up. However, as she was returning to her car, she heard it again. She then went to Jamie Klein, another volunteer, and informed her about what she heard.

Together, they decided to search outside for the potential kitten in distress. Despite their best efforts, they were unable to locate the source of the meows even after scouring the nearby area. It wasn’t until Klein noticed a Pampers box positioned near the entrance of a pet store that they finally found the kitty.

As Morris went out to grab his cup of coffee, he stumbled upon a little kitten inside a cardboard box. The kitten was barely a few weeks old and seemed cold and wet. Without hesitation, Morris took him in and placed him on a warm blanket with a heating pad underneath to keep him comfortable. It was freezing outside, and the poor cat would have been left unnoticed until the pet store opened if Morris had not gone out.

In the evening, Morris received a copy of the security camera footage from the pet store. The video showed the man abandoning the kitten, but unfortunately, his face was not visible, and the license plate on his Jeep could not be read. Project Purr volunteer, Noel Nichols, expressed dismay at the neglectful act, stating that leaving a helpless kitten without provisions in harsh weather conditions is unfair to the animal and the rescue team trying to help it.

Regrettably, it’s not an uncommon occurrence for cats and kittens to be left behind at Project Purr or pet stores. This year alone, there have been 40 abandoned animals. However, the kitten that was abandoned recently is innocent and deserving of help, which Project Purr is providing. The kitten, affectionately named Bing, has a pleasant disposition according to Nichols.

According to Nichols, as soon as you enter the room, this feline begins to purr. She claims that this cat is the most affectionate one she has seen in a while, and his adoration is sure to win you over. Nichols also mentioned that the cat has a playful side to him as he enjoys pouncing on anything hanging. In addition, he has a favorite toy, a stuffed elephant, which he likes to play with. Despite being a small cat, he acts like a big one and plays with his toy with great enthusiasm.

Bing, a cat, is currently receiving excellent medical attention as he has a mild form of ringworm, which is a skin, fur, and nail fungal infection. Additionally, he is underweight, but he is being properly cared for. When he is healthy and has undergone neutering and vaccination procedures, Bing will be up for adoption. It is suggested that he is placed in a household with other pets as he thrives on companionship, and he is described as an extremely affectionate feline.