Feline Finds a Perfect Home for Her Kittens and Trusts Canine Friends to Care for Them

A feline was overjoyed when she found a cozy spot for her litter of kittens. She was so content that she entrusted the neighboring canines to take care of her little ones while she took a break.

cat mom kittens

Angelica and her adorable little kittens were recently brought to a county shelter in a weak and frail condition. As a young cat mom, Angelica was struggling to cope with the stressful environment and her babies required extensive care and attention. Thankfully, AnimalLuvr’s Dream Rescue came to their aid and provided them with a caring foster home that would cater to all their needs. The wonderful volunteer, Allison Ilcken, opened up her heart and home to the family of four, where they could receive the love and comfort they needed to thrive.

shelter kittens

The rescued kittens were in poor health initially, according to a tweet by ilckenzoo. Allison, who shared her experience with Love Meow, mentioned that one of the kittens, Angelica, was shy and hesitant to leave her carrier. Despite this, the kitten was incredibly affectionate once she came out. Upon exploring her new environment, Angelica seemed content with everything she encountered. Before long, she found comfort in a warm, snug bed with her three companions.

happy cat paws

Angelica was over the moon to finally find herself in a foster home. Her contentment was evident in the way she purred and kneaded her paws with glee. With the stress of being homeless behind her, Angelica’s purr engine was in full gear, and it roared thunderously whenever Allison, her foster parent, was around. However, not all was well with Angelica and her kittens, Philip (black and white), Peggy (grey and white), and Hamilton (tuxedo). The former had to contend with severe upper respiratory infections, while the latter was treated for worms. Furthermore, Mama Angelica herself required medication to alleviate her fever and mastitis.

cat kitten sweet

Angelica took on the role of loving caretaker to her three little ones while under the watchful eye of her devoted foster mother. With attentive care, they began to perk up and reveal their playful personalities.
Once they were ready, Allison gradually introduced them to her canine companions, who were known for their love of cats. Although Angelica was initially hesitant around these large, furry friends, she quickly warmed up to them.

kittens snuggly dog

Philip and Peggy were spending some quality time at the ILCKenzoo with Olive, the resident dog. As Angelica, their mama, saw how gentle and kind Olive was with her little ones, she began to warm up to her new furry friends. Angelica was delighted that the dogs were happy to let her kittens crawl all over them and even nurse on their bellies. Peggy, being the most outgoing and brave of the littermates, was the first to approach the canine kitten-sitters. Eventually, her siblings followed suit and they all enjoyed the company of their new four-legged pals.

kitten cute dog

According to Love Meow, Allison shared that Peggy and [email protected] have grown to love spending time with dogs. They now enjoy rubbing against their legs and snuggling. Angelica, a young mother, also enjoys playing and showering her kittens with attention.

kittens dog sweet

Ilckenzoo’s Olive is a responsible kitten-sitter who takes her duties seriously. When the dogs are around to keep an eye on the little ones, Olive can finally relax and bask in the affection of her humans. The kittens have inherited their mother’s playful nature and can often be found engaging in rowdy playtime, running around as if they’re in charge.

kitten snuggling dog

Philip and Olive, who run the @ilckenzoo Instagram account, recently shared an update about Angelica, one of their furry friends. According to Allison, Angelica has finally found her voice, which is soft and sweet. The lovable pet enjoys spending time with company and often joins them in bed for snuggles and extra attention. When she’s not cuddling, Angelica can be found flopping onto the floor, eagerly awaiting scratches, praises, and treats.

cat playing with kitten

Angelica enjoys frolicking around. The three cats have made substantial progress since they were saved as frail little felines. They are currently robust, daring, and love playing.

kittens cat tree

Peggy, Hamilton, and Philip are a happy family of four who are excited to embark on a new journey in life. Fortunately, two of their adorable kittens have been adopted by a loving family who will shower them with affection and care for them indefinitely.

sweet cat kitten snuggling

Angelica and Hamilton are now a part of the Ilcken Zoo family! Peggy, Hamilton’s sister, was also adopted alongside him. It’s heartwarming to see siblings stay together in their new home.

bonded kittens

Peggy and Hamilton @ilckenzoo are sharing the story of Mama Angelica and her little one, Philip. They both wish that this feline family finds a loving home soon, where they can live happily ever after with all the love and attention they deserve.

kitten cat mom

Philip and Angelica are frequent visitors to @ilckenzoo. Angelica is a lively cat who enjoys every moment of her life. She plays with enthusiasm, just like a playful kitten. Her doggie pals are always there to offer a comforting paw whenever the feline family requires some snuggles.

sweet talkative cat

Don’t forget to spread the word about this amazing story! You can find more updates about Angelica, her adorable kittens, and all of Allison’s foster animals by visiting @ilckenzoo on Instagram.